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  • Writer's pictureLukas Disraeli

The Essentials of Testosterone Boosting: A Comprehensive Guide to Increasing Testosterone Naturally

Welcome to the comprehensive guide for all things testosterone—a crucial element in the vitality playbook. In a world where testosterone levels are taking a dip across generations, it's time to reclaim our vigor naturally. Big pharma will offer quick fixes, instead, we're here for the long game.

But fear not, because we're diving into the importance of testosterone and the foundational steps to boost it naturally. Testosterone isn't just a hormone; it's the powerhouse behind your energy, muscle development, bone density, libido, fertility, and mental health.


The Foundation for Test Maxxing:

  • Sleep Optimization: Let's start with the foundations for maximizing your testosterone—sleep. Quality sleep is the cornerstone of testosterone production- not making this step in the foundation makes the rest of what's listed irrelevant. Sync your circadian rhythm, bask in sunlight upon waking, and cut out blue light exposure before bedtime for optimal sleep quality.

  • Nutrition Essentials: Now, onto nutrition essentials. While there's no one-size-fits-all diet, ditching seed oils, focusing on whole foods, and incorporating testosterone-boosting foods like eggs, red meat, oysters, and fatty fish can significantly impact testosterone. This is in part due to the high cholesterol, fat, vitamin, and mineral content. Testosterone is derived from cholesterol. Adequate intake is a must to fully optimize increasing testosterone naturally, and nutritionally.

  • Hydration: Proper hydration with clean water and mineralization is a must. Tap water has the potential to be filled with hormone disruptors. Sourcing water that is heavily filtered or investing in a home water filter will increase your vitality and, therefore your testosterone.

  • Sunlight: Sunlight exposure not only improves mood but also boosts vitamin D production—an essential player in testosterone optimization. Getting at least 10-30 minutes of peak sunshine will get you to baseline. In the winter months, opt for a vitamin D3/K2 supplement to keep levels at baseline due to reduced sun exposure.

  • Intense Exercise: Pushing your body's limits in intense physical exercise can spike testosterone and lead to higher levels overall. Heavy weight lifting, high-intensity interval training, and sprinting have some of the best-proven short-term spikes. However, it is important not to overtrain, as it may have the opposite effect. Focus on pushing hard and heavy, focusing on progressive overload and intensity, with time to recover.

  • Elimination of Harmful Substances: Endocrine disruptors and phytoestrogens have become all too common in today's society. By eliminating/limiting soy, gluten, parabens, EMFs, EMRs, alcohol, BPAs, and harmful chemicals; you will support testosterone health, and the switch is easy. Choose natural skin-care products (Ex. Coconut oil for moisturizer). Go "old-school" and rock-wired headphones. Opt for glass over plastic containers when storing or buying food and drinks. Cut down on chemically filled household cleaning items and detergent- vinegar is quite universal. The change isn't difficult, and your testosterone levels will thank you.

Best Testosterone Boosting Supplements:


Now, let's talk supplements. While the foundation is key, the supplements listed can provide an extra boost in testosterone production and overall hormonal health. Of course, use knowledge- experiment with dosage, effects, and cycle to understand the efficacy of the supplement:


​Dose: 5-8 g


​Dose: 300-1,200 mg


​Dose: 200-400 mg


​Dose: 1-5 g



​Dose: 200 mg


​Dose 500 mg


​Dose: 5-12 mg



​Dose: 1000 mg


​Dose: 300-600 mg


​Pine Pollen

Dose: 1.5 g


​Royal Jelly

​Dose: 7 g


Vitamins and Minerals:

Vitamins and minerals play a pivotal role, so ensure you're getting the right amounts of the following from whole-food sources. Understandably, supplementation is required due to geological location and food quality. Ensure you're keeping a balance (Ex. Don't blast sodium intake without proper potassium intake) and cycling higher dosages:

  • Sodium

  • Selenium

  • Potassium

  • Chromium

  • Magnesium

  • Vitamin A, C, D, K2

  • Vitamin B1, B2, B12, B6

  • Zinc

Biohacking Strategies:

Lastly, let's delve into biohacking strategies:

  • Frame everything as competition: Winning has proven effects of boosting testosterone. Psych yourself into being the best at everything you do and reap the benefits of increased testosterone.

  • Embrace spicy foods for potential testosterone-boosting effects: Capsaicin, an active component typically found in chili peppers and spicy foods, has been studied to have testosterone-boosting properties.

  • Avoid wearing polyester due to potential hormonal disruptions: Polyester is a fabric composed of recycled microplastics. Wearing these microplastics is essentially wearing endocrine disruptors all day. Opt for organic cotton, merino wool, or linen as a healthier option for clothing.

All in all, this comprehensive guide has unveiled the essential strategies to maximize testosterone naturally and reclaim your vitality. Implementing the foundation, selecting the correct supplements, maxxing vitamins/minerals, and introducing biohacking strategies will have your testosterone roaring in no time. As we navigate a world where testosterone levels are on the decline, it's crucial to prioritize our long-term well-being over quick fixes offered by big pharma.

* This is not medical advice

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