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  • Writer's pictureJacob Armstrong

How to Get Adequate Vitamin D in the Winter

Updated: Dec 4, 2023

In the vast realm of nutrients, few play as pivotal a role in our overall well-being as vitamin D. Often referred to as the "sunshine vitamin," vitamin D is unique because our bodies can produce it in response to sunlight exposure. Beyond its association with bone health, emerging research has illuminated its far-reaching impact on various aspects of our health.

As we move into fall and winter, the sun gets weaker, we see less of it, and the time we do spend outside, we're covered to stay warm. These factors make it tricky to get adequate sunshine to produce sufficient vitamin D.

We need to understand what vitamin D is, how much we need, the symptoms of deficiency, the best ways to produce it naturally, and how to supplement it.

What is Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a nutrient that is essential for life. Cholesterol in our skin helps turn UVB light from the sun into active vitamin D, and we get some vitamin D from food. Vitamin D is also a hormone, that helps control cell and organ function.

The Benefits of Vitamin D

  1. Bone Health: Supports calcium absorption for strong bones.

  2. Immune System Support: Modulates the immune system, reducing infection risk.

  3. Muscle Function: Aids in muscle strength and prevents weakness.

  4. Heart Health: May reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

  5. Mood and Mental Health: Linked to a lower risk of depression and SAD.

  6. Cancer Prevention: Associated with reduced risk of certain cancers.

  7. Weight Management: Plays a role in body composition and appetite regulation.

  8. Insulin Regulation: This may help regulate insulin levels.

  9. Pregnancy and Fetal Development: Crucial for fetal skeletal development.

  10. Skin Health: Synthesized in the skin through sunlight exposure.

How much Vitamin D is needed

Now knowing the benefits of getting your vitamin D, how much is needed? It is recommended for adults to get 15 mcg (600 IU) per day. It is completely safe and recommended to get more naturally from the sun, as your body will stop producing it when you have enough. But, over-supplementing can lead to bone pain and kidney damage.

How Much Vitamin D Will You Get Naturally

These numbers do not mean anything without knowing how our bodies will convert sun to vitamin D. In summer and spring, with 22% of uncovered skin, 1000 IU vitamin D doses are synthesized in 10-15 min of sun exposure for adults.

This means when the sun is strong, simply going outside in minimal clothing for 10-30 minutes, will get you to baseline. In 1-3 hours you will have maximum levels and your body will stop producing.

But the fall and winter make this difficult, meaning you must be intentional in your exposure. If you can get sunlight on your face, arms, and legs (and/or body) for 30 minutes during solar noon, your body will be able to produce enough.

Limiting factors are the time of day and skin coverage. A 9 AM walk with your shirt off will require a full hour. A walk at noon with pants and short sleeves would need a full hour. So do some advanced bro science in your head to determine when and how you will go outside.

Vitamin D Deficiency

The common symptoms of a vitamin D deficiency are

  • Fatigue

  • Muscle soreness, weakness, or cramps

  • Bone pain

  • Mood changes - Depression

This is a very common deficiency, 35% of Americans suffer. Mostly darker skin tones and those who live in cloudy areas or areas above the 37th parallel in the winter. If you have these symptoms you should implement time in sun and a supplement to see if low vitamin D is the problem.

"Did you supplement the sun today?" - Anonymous

Anon getting his Vitamin D

How to supplement Vitamin D

When we can't rely on the sun to get enough we must turn to food and supplements, and that's okay. A good diet will help and quality supplements will get you over the edge for sufficient levels.


It's no surprise that the best foods for Vitamin D are as follows; fatty fish, cod liver oil, beef liver, egg yolks, and mushrooms. All superfoods, and a vegan nightmare. These should already be in your diet, and the list of reasons why grows with Vitamin D.

Many American foods are fortified with vitamin D, to make them (look) healthier. These should not be sought out as a vitamin D source, unless you trust the processed food industry with your health....

Trix tricking you that it is a Vitamin D source


Vitamin D3 is more efficient at raising vitamin D levels than D2. D2 is a plant-sourced vitamin and is only necessary for animal-based supplements. To make vitamin D3 the most efficient it is best to pair it with K2, many supplement brands sell them together. Vitamin D3 helps you absorb calcium, and K2 helps your bones integrate the calcium.

Liquid or soft gel capsules are more bioavailable than powder or pill form. Vitamin D3 is also fat soluble, meaning it needs to be taken when you have dietary fat in your system to be absorbed properly.

A multivitamin will have D3 in it, and a lot of junk. Multivitamins are not a good source of nutrition. Do yourself a favor and get quality supplements for specific vitamins and minerals. These are generally cheap and not bioavailable, meaning you are literally flushing them down the toilet.

What is the Vitamin D recommendation in the Vitality Vault?

Spring and summer - Get outdoors. Take your shirt off, and ditch the sunglasses.

Fall and winter - Make a plan to get outside around solar noon. Wear as little clothes as the weather permits. Get a quality D3/K2 supplement and dose accordingly.

Always - A healthy diet including, fatty fish, liver, cod liver oil, and eggs.

If you follow this protocol you will be sure to maxx your Vitamin D and take a step closer to Vitality. Let us know how this helped and stay Vital!

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