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  • Writer's pictureJacob Armstrong

Pillar of Vitality - Element Exposure

Updated: Nov 25, 2023

How exposing yourself to the Elements leads to more energy and a healthier lifestyle.

Today humans view ourselves as separate from nature and animals, but it is important to remember we grew from the same world as the rest of life. We adapted to be resilient to survive and thrive in all conditions. From the sun and heat of the Sahara to the harsh cold of the Rockies, our bodies had to keep us running and our minds determined for the betterment of our offspring. The modern world has detached us from the earth, removing the stresses our bodies are wired to overcome. We must seek these out if we wish to level up our Vitality.

What are the elements we should expose ourselves to? And why are they a form of eustress?

Cold, heat, sun, and the earth.


Starting with cold because it is the most prevalent today, everyone has the "Cold Plunge Friend." Cold exposure (mainly Cold Water Immersion) is proven to,

  • Increase metabolism and brown fat

  • Reduce inflammation

  • Regulate stress

  • Release dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine.

  • Improve willpower and mental resilience (Top-down Control)

  • Improve recovery

While being claimed to,

  • Boost immune system

  • Treat depression

  • Increase libido

  • Improve circulation

Knowing the list above, and through our experience, we can tell that the cold is a eustress our bodies are meant to handle. The vigor felt when stepping out of cold water usually brings on symptoms of mogging others nearby and beating your chest. Imagine our ancestors crossing a river tailing a herd of elk, a decrease in performance could lead to starvation. Or the slow adaptation made from fall to winter that keeps our hands nimble in the cold, the "Lewis hunting reaction" has been observed in living or working in cold environments.

How can we use this knowledge for increased Vitality?

Find a low-barrier way to get cold exposure into your routine. I live in the Pacific Northwest which means a trough of salt water in my backyard gives me access from October-March. In the warmer months, I have river and lake access, or cold showers when needed. A $3,000 cold plunge setup is not needed, so don't let it stop you.

The best times to use cold exposure are usually early in the morning to start your day or pre-workout. In this fashion, it acts as a jumpstart to your tasks. Just be sure to warm up properly before exercise. It is also worth noting the negative effects it has on hypertrophy post-workout.

Vitality Recommendation - Early morning or Pre-Workout.

Stack with breathwork or meditation. 2-5 minutes sub 42 degrees F. Bonus stack with Sunlight


We can all agree that heat feels better than the cold. Fireplace in the winter, hot tub on a cool night, or sunshine in June. But true heat exposure is not a cozy warmth that relaxes you. A brutal sauna session will wipe you like Charmin Ultrasoft Sunday morning post-coffee. The release of toxins and the stress on your body's cooling mechanism builds strength and Vitality.

Heat exposure is done in a wet or dry sauna, hot tub, or hot springs. Most commonly a sauna and that is what the majority of the research is done on.

What is the Sauna good for?

Proven Benefits of Sauna as Heat Exposure -

  • Lower risk of heart disease

  • Increase cardiovascular health

  • Aid with stress and recovery

  • Increase production of Growth Hormone

  • Detox the body (pollutants, chemicals, heavy metals)

  • Relaxation and deeper sleep

These health benefits are foundations for a long, happy, healthy life. Extreme heat exposure is not something our ancestors had access to, so it is not as primal an experience as the cold. But still, a stress that is proven to benefit us.

Access here can be difficult, there are sauna studios, some gyms, and a wide-ranging selection of home saunas online. We should aim for 1-2 hours of sauna exposure a week, and use post-workout and/or later in the evening.

Vitality Recommendation - 2 hard sessions a week post-workout. 30-60 minutes. Can pair with ice bath for contrast therapy.

NOTE - Steamrooms and wet saunas should be avoided or used sparingly. They are likely evaporating tap water releasing a slew of chemicals into the air.


The sun is the force behind all life on earth, we should treat it as such and not hide from it. So many kids are raised being smothered in sunscreen and advised to minimize time spent under the sun. Meanwhile, we see our cats and dogs seeking the sun to lounge in. There are geological factors here that can affect our ability to be in the sun, if you're fair-skinned and living in a sunny place then precautions are needed. As you won't have the genetic makeup to handle high UV exposure for as long as darker skin. But sunscreen is not the solution to sunburns.

Sun exposure is proven to:

- Boost Vitamin D production

- Strengthen bones

- Improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression

- Regulate sleep patterns

- Boost immune system function

- Reduce the risk of certain cancers

- Improve skin health

We should spend as much time as we can in the sun. This means monitoring your skin and hydration while exposed, and covering up when needed. There are ways to increase your limit of sun exposure listed here.

Vitality Recommendation - Eat, read and workout in the sun whenever possible.


Long before rubber soles, carpet floors, insulation, and concrete, we were always connected and grounded to the earth. Some go weeks and months at a time without grounding with the earth. Grounding is simply touching the earth with your skin, allowing your built-up electric charge to flow to the earth.

The benefits include -

  • Reduced inflammation

  • Improved sleep

  • Better circulation

  • Stress reduction

  • EMF protection

  • Chronic pain relief

Another large part of being grounded is being barefoot, which has its benefits. Your feet get strong and mobile and build callous so you don't require shoes for every situation. It's not very primal for you to need your flip-flops to walk across a few rocks.

Get your feet on the earth as much as possible. Pair it with other activities to make it more accessible; such as walks, reading, stretching, and meditation.

Vitality Recommendation - Swimming in nature and barefoot sprints.

Go challenge your body against the elements, make it fun, do it with friends, do it when you don't want it, and do it because it's good for you. Level up your Vitality by embracing your primal side.

Thanks for reading

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